Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is meant by transformer, why it should be used, with out that equipment what happens if we transformed the supply?


12 24036

What is the ohms law?

20 25711

What is meant by line losses, how do you prevent the losses?

3 12321

What are the different lines and what are the different types of losses occur on them?

2 7718

Do you have any P.L.C in your organization?

12 20373

Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?

GPIL, Infosys, Jakson, L&T, Secure Meters,

20 108622

What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting?

Bhushan Power Steel,

20 26452

why is the vector group analysis done in transformer tests

K K Rao, Lloyds, Nicco Engineering Services Limited, Qatar Petroleums,

28 69867

differance b|w ground, neutral&earth

Bhel, SKH Metals,

11 22505

In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and connect the circuit to supply?will we get a shock?

5 9036

what is a DLC?[just dont reply its a Dual loop controller!] Plz do Explain the advantage of DLC over PLC?


3 8809

what principle the cabel TV channels are transmitted? will you be able to check the power at the connector behind your TV with a tester?If yes what is the supply level?

1 4186

about your self?

Hyundai, US Technology,

4 10977

wht do u mean by load in circuit.wht dp u mean by inductive load


7 14311

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any application of back emf


From past few months I am getting lagging pf even though sufficient capacitors used in circuit. Where is the problem pls answer


How to Calculate Current Rating of SDFU (Switch Disconnector Fuse unit) for Protectionof Capacitor Bank connected to Busbar of 800Amp,in LV side of 11/0.433KV, 250KVA Transformer?


On what basis the the size of Lightning arrester for buildings are selected ?


how to get bearing & winding temperature of an induction motor?


why we use 630mm single core cable for transformer secondary side and why two neutral cable


how we can adjust for three phase motor cold stall time ,hot stall time and thermal register set up?


1. what is usage for power factor in industries?? 2.why we need to monitor power factor??


Can you explain about Restricited earth fault protection scheme


Is potential difference materials property ..? if yes tnen how.. explain brifly.


list the type of vfd? wich is sutable for heating kiln?


In vapour absorption refrigeration machine fluids used are


how to interlock 3 nos MCCBs using under voltage coil. please provide me circuit diagram?


If symmetrical fault occurs at the terminal of a synchronous motor then how the motor will act...explain it..


what is charger supervision and control supervision?