why transformer ratings in kva?
Bhel, College School Exams Tests, DOW, Emco, Esab, GE, KCP, PGCVL, Sodexo, TCS, vtps, Wipro,
99 220474What types of CMOS memories have you designed? What were their size? Speed? Configuration Process technology?
AFG, Afghan Telecom, GE, IBM, SECL, Sun Pharma, TNPL,
3373What work have you done on full chip Clock and Power distribution? What process technology and budgets were used?
2473What types of I/O have you designed? What were their size? Speed? Configuration? Voltage requirements? Process technology? What package was used and how did you model the package/system? What parasitic effects were considered?
1977What transistor level design tools are you proficient with? What types of designs were they used on?
1 3368Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
What is ramp signal?
is it value of power factor is more than unit. whats effects in the source supply
what is meaning of sympathetic tripping with respect to relays and give the values for current carrying capacities for copper and aluminium cables from 16sq mm to 500sq mm
what is the cause of voltage dipp or swell in the transmission lines?
how to calculate vfd o/p voltage by frequency
when ac current flows thru d coil of a contactr,it energizes,magnetic field attracts d contact of the coil...nw wont dt ac current in d contct induce current back on to d coil thru mutual inductance leading to high currnt in d coil
in star-delta tranformer,if the input of star connection is 400/7v 3 kva then what is the output of delta connection?
Why different Pressure switch used in marine boiler water circulation system
For a 6.6kV Motor it is recommended to do megger test with 500 V d.c and not more than 5kV d.c but the Hi voltage withstand test should be performed by 12kV AC. Why the dc voltage test should be limited but AC voltage withstand test could be with such a high voltage?
wat is meant by PX class in ct?
If the Brush of DC motor is shifted by 90 deg, then what happens to voltage and torque? Both voltage and torque are zero. how to justify the answer?
On what basis the the size of Lightning arrester for buildings are selected ?
what is DRP panels?
how to test YNyn0 vector group in transformer?