In burette calibration of Karl fischer Instrument, the multiplication factor 1.00693 is using for how much ml of water dispenced. why
1 3704In UV-VIS spectrophotometer:My diluent is methanol even though i corrected base line for methanol,In my sample scan i found methanol peak.what is the reason?
2 9429What is the diffrence between the performing of LOD ordinary drying at voven and vaccum method.
4 9722how a particular wavelength can be different for a particular compund while analysing by uv and by HPLC.
1966in hplc calibration we are using 0.05% acetone why we are using that one and what happen when its conc increases or decreases
4 30701what is the different in Total ash, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic or non alcoholic ash?
9604Post New Analytical Chemistry Questions
if tech transfer fails whay require to do?
on the basis of bcs class how to proceed the solubility?
which situation gc hs and gc als require to use?
How can we confirm the HPLC column is end-capped or not? Is it possible to identify by physical appearance?
Difference between the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis?
What is stray light in uv what are units for stray light
How to calculate coreletion coefficient
how to qualify the impurity?
What is intact assay method development.....?
why should we perform dissolution PVT calibration only by UV spectrometer, not by HPLC ?
How do we quantify crystaline and amarpous forms by using (NMR, XRD)spectroscopic techniques? Which any others instruments are useful for this quantification? explain
Ratio of Water and Acetonitrile(diluent) is not recommended to use in cleaning method validation,why?
what is the procedure for cleaning of lenses of hatr accesory of ftir instrument?
What is mean by PDR?