In burette calibration of Karl fischer Instrument, the multiplication factor 1.00693 is using for how much ml of water dispenced. why
1 3796In UV-VIS spectrophotometer:My diluent is methanol even though i corrected base line for methanol,In my sample scan i found methanol peak.what is the reason?
2 9518What is the diffrence between the performing of LOD ordinary drying at voven and vaccum method.
4 9892how a particular wavelength can be different for a particular compund while analysing by uv and by HPLC.
2003in hplc calibration we are using 0.05% acetone why we are using that one and what happen when its conc increases or decreases
4 30900what is the different in Total ash, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic or non alcoholic ash?
9659Post New Analytical Chemistry Questions
Please tell me about the pH of Polycaboxylic ether is it in the 5-6 range ever or more than 6
i want model written test paper for the post of analyst in IOCL(indian oil corporation ltd) any one pls help me
Why dissolution test is not performed in all of the products
what is the extinction coefficient for Indomethacin or at 319nm wave length.
how pda detector works over uv?
What is Band broading effect explain
In Dissolution Test why limit is define Q+5% what is the role of +5%.
which batch require to use for analytical method validation?
what is mean by dissolution biowaiver study?
how to qualify the impurity?
what is lod and loq ?,why use k2cr2o7 , kcl h2so4 in uv calibration ?,why use benzophenone & caffene acetone in hplc calibration ?,what is leading peak in hplc ?why we do the calibration of limit of stry light in hplc & uv ?
What is the difference between Discriminating media and DPDM(Dissolution Profile with Different Media)
What is dose dumping? why require to do?
Difference between hlaf and rlaf
1)What's the meaning of Absorption,give a example. 2)What's the meaning of Adsorption,give a example. 2)what is the difference between Absorption and Adsorption.