Describe your field experience sample type collected,sample techniques,field measurements taken and equipment used?
7 17334what are the various techniques you will use as soon as the srs was given to you to speedup the testing?
1665In the recent past, Reliance has found the gas in?.. 1 Mumbai offshore 2 Mahanadi basin 3 Krishna-Godavari basin 4 Kaveri basin
3 6585Hi friend I have query regarding QTP datatable. I want to insert data in datatable during runtime. suppose i wrote datatble.value(1) = "Test data" so when i run the script it says column(1) doesn't exist. Then i write something in column A1 manualy and run the script again. Now it works fine. Pls clarify how i can put value in blank cell of datatable.
10 30957Hello, I am working on automating unix application using QTP via terminal emulator.Recording and playback works as i execute my test case. I need to parameterise my data now. Steps to be followed 1. go to the application TeWindow("TeWindow").Window("Connect").WinButton ("Connect").Click 2. Make a transaction to an account I am able to make transaction one at a time (one person when i run the script) and the script is as below and works fine. TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "./" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "a21100002" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "tcccc" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "test" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micF1 TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type "6" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micF1 TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "xexit" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync 3. Now i need to Make a transaction to the account for the list of people available from data table. How do i do this? Please let me know if you can Thanks, Chaya
1 7828What is the applicable rate of service tax on work of construction company i.e. real estate developer company plz improve my knowledge about it.
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