can you let me know how to use rosemount hart communicator 375 to communicate foundatiob fieldbus, can we upgrade the software if so where we get free of cost
2105If there are 11 versions of a mapping and if you want to keep the latest version and delete the remaining versions .. how do you do it?
2125what will happen if we give option 5 in update strategy transformation in informatica, as '0,1,2,3' are the numerals for dd_update,dd_insert,dd_delete,dd_reject?
1259Can anyone,please give me the step by step how the testing process work.The order i testing and what documents do we create in what order/phase of the testing.
1367How do you relate JAVA and DOTNET with Application Support,Infrastructure Support Development in a Project Management Perspective
1386Why does the "Null" appear in datastage output in those places where there are spaces?? What is the reason for different number of Null in dev and IST environment??
867If a developer said the bug a QA found is not a bug, what should i do despite having to reproduced the screenshot of the application?
what are the thing/problems that occurs during the developing the software..
who are the major stake holders in software integration
is review done after testing process? explain
What is Time Response Law Formula? Can anyone tell me pls?
Any body knows why Loadrunner 9.5 is not able to create script with web(click and script) protocol with recording option set to GUI. We have seen for the same scenario Loadrunner 8.1 is able to create script on images,button.list boxes with the same settings for web(click and script) protocol .
Have you ever been involved in Testing?
what are the qualification measures for integration
what is the difference between integration and release
what is the purpose of s.w.Integration in software project
how to execute the test cases
I am looking for pattern & questions of NIC exam. If anyone knows it pls send it to Thanks
1.ab*cd=EEE the ab*d= ?
If a developer said the bug a QA found is not a bug, what should i do despite having to reproduced the screenshot of the application?
How do you relate JAVA and DOTNET with Application Support,Infrastructure Support Development in a Project Management Perspective
How to import multiple xl files which are saved in a folder into SAS and extract two different types of values from a given variable at a time? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Rasi