Enhancement Design & Development Interview Questions
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i ma working on a project where i need to accept the requirements in english language and generate test cases for it.the requirment for example is Req002 – Turn the engine off (Engine_fuelling = Off AND Engine_supply = Off) if Key_position = Engine_off. Req003 – Switch on accessories (Accessories_power = On) if Key_position = Acc. Req004 – Switch off accessories (Accessories_power = Off) if Engine_starter = Active how am i goin to design the requirement structure for this and please suggest what will be the positive and negative test cases for these requirements for functional testing


hi every one where exctly i can get the sap basis interview questions??

SAP Labs,


what rare the failures of v model and waterfall model ?what are the alternate model of v and water model when changes come?

1 3378

If there are 11 versions of a mapping and if you want to keep the latest version and delete the remaining versions .. how do you do it?



what will happen if we give option 5 in update strategy transformation in informatica, as '0,1,2,3' are the numerals for dd_update,dd_insert,dd_delete,dd_reject?



Why does the "Null" appear in datastage output in those places where there are spaces?? What is the reason for different number of Null in dev and IST environment??


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what will happen if we give option 5 in update strategy transformation in informatica, as '0,1,2,3' are the numerals for dd_update,dd_insert,dd_delete,dd_reject?


Why does the "Null" appear in datastage output in those places where there are spaces?? What is the reason for different number of Null in dev and IST environment??


If there are 11 versions of a mapping and if you want to keep the latest version and delete the remaining versions .. how do you do it?


i ma working on a project where i need to accept the requirements in english language and generate test cases for it.the requirment for example is Req002 – Turn the engine off (Engine_fuelling = Off AND Engine_supply = Off) if Key_position = Engine_off. Req003 – Switch on accessories (Accessories_power = On) if Key_position = Acc. Req004 – Switch off accessories (Accessories_power = Off) if Engine_starter = Active how am i goin to design the requirement structure for this and please suggest what will be the positive and negative test cases for these requirements for functional testing