i need a test plan for ORBITZ.com there is a "VACATION PACKAGES" section on the website.. i am a bit confused about how to create a test plan for that.
2908You have been given the responsibility for improving the quality of software across your organization. What is the first thing that you should do? What’s next? Make a list of various quality assurance activities that you will carry out for the system.
2 13889
Have you ever been involved in Testing?
What is Time Response Law Formula? Can anyone tell me pls?
Can some one please answer the below interview questions. 1.Cut over activities for fixed assets 2.. Cut over activities for inventory posting 3. If you cut the check in RFFOUS_C program will there be any journal entry updated in fi 4. What are + Pay files & have you worked on + pay files 5. A/R - What is the logic behind lock box to receive payments in SAP.How it is connected to FI / How will system recognize lock box?what will be there in BAI file
In SAP ABAP programming ... what is the difference between ABAP data base and ABAP data dictionary?
How to create timesheet? for plenty of employees with in time / out time/ break time etc.
Can we use OPNQRYF command without using OVRDBF command ?
need of crystal client in sap bo integrationkit?
Hi All Can anybody tell me which are the tools used for Build and Release
I Deleted the rpg sourse?Now how can i tell? what r the files declared in that file.
Please suggest the negative test cases/Test scenarios for FB homepage.
How to import multiple xl files which are saved in a folder into SAS and extract two different types of values from a given variable at a time? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Rasi
Hi Friends I am learning QTP and in preliminary stage, able to write statements with no addl constraints however i am not able to get a solution if there are two options to be selected from the weblist and also when there are options with radio buttons need your help Thanks
what is the difference between software product and software version ?
User flow chart for an ecommerce website
How do you relate JAVA and DOTNET with Application Support,Infrastructure Support Development in a Project Management Perspective