I have SAS program consists of the data simulation, clustering the data, proc reg and other proc functions. How can I mak the loop to repeat the execution of this program more than one time?
1 3949is their any difference between any software life cycle model and software process model? If yes, then what is the difference?
2 10169I am looking for pattern & questions of NIC exam. If anyone knows it pls send it to sveera_jkm@yahoo.co.in Thanks
2255Post New Program Management Questions
How to create timesheet? for plenty of employees with in time / out time/ break time etc.
How to designing a spreadsheet to display the QA basic metrics in Excel?
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How do you relate JAVA and DOTNET with Application Support,Infrastructure Support Development in a Project Management Perspective
What is the architecture of your project?
I am looking for pattern & questions of NIC exam. If anyone knows it pls send it to sveera_jkm@yahoo.co.in Thanks
I Deleted the rpg sourse?Now how can i tell? what r the files declared in that file.
Have you ever been involved in Testing?
how to do transport from production to quality.