In SAP ABAP programming ... what is the difference between ABAP data base and ABAP data dictionary?
2129What are ur Roles and Responsibilities(clearly from SRS till Release Notes)???? What are the Contents in Test Plan and are you involved in the Test Plan???? waht do mean by SOA architecture and how it works???? what do you mean by a Web Services??? What is Exit Criteria and Entry Criteria in Test Plan???? What are the Contents in Release notes???? Difference between retesting and regression testing???? What is traceability matrix and how actually done wrt to ur current project???? Difference between Functional testing, Integration testing and System testing with respect to ur Current project???? What kind of meetings you do in ur Company(Like Walk through, Inspections and reviews)???? Give example for High priority bug you found in ur current project(HB Nest)???? Give example for High Severity bug you found in ur current project(HB Nest)???? what is bug life cycle explain the overall process???? Difference between 2-tier and 3-tier architecture???? Explain clearly Test Case design techniques(Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value analysis and Error Guessing)???? Template's for Test Case,Traceability Matrix, Defect tracking, Release notes and Test metrics Report?????? what do you mean by Testing Life Cycle?????? What do you mean by V model explain the same???? write test cases for login window, Equilateral triangle, Mobile phone and ATM machine????? Challenges you faced in testing Window and web based applications????? SQL Questions--- Explain Joins in SQL???? Querry to get the Second largest Salary of Employee????
1 4476Hi Friends I am learning QTP and in preliminary stage, able to write statements with no addl constraints however i am not able to get a solution if there are two options to be selected from the weblist and also when there are options with radio buttons need your help Thanks
1874what rare the failures of v model and waterfall model ?what are the alternate model of v and water model when changes come?
1 3384
How to get the MVFs in workflow
how to debug the errors generated from integration
what are the qualification measures for integration
1. a)in four digit no the fourth number is four time more than the second digit b)in four digit no the third number is three time less than the second number c)in four digit no the first digit is thrice than the fourth digit
How to create timesheet? for plenty of employees with in time / out time/ break time etc.
how to do transport from production to quality.
I am looking for pattern & questions of NIC exam. If anyone knows it pls send it to Thanks
Please suggest the negative test cases/Test scenarios for FB homepage.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
What is Time Response Law Formula? Can anyone tell me pls?
what are the general errors in integration
Can anyone,please give me the step by step how the testing process work.The order i testing and what documents do we create in what order/phase of the testing.
how to creat 2 test plan in 2 different enviroment exp:tour and travel
what is the difference between integration and release
what are the artifacts need to be generated during integration