I have SAS program consists of the data simulation, clustering the data, proc reg and other proc functions. How can I mak the loop to repeat the execution of this program more than one time?
1 3952is their any difference between any software life cycle model and software process model? If yes, then what is the difference?
2 10174what is the role of a performance tester in web application,pls explain advantage of testing tool rather doing it manually
1 5670I am looking for pattern & questions of NIC exam. If anyone knows it pls send it to sveera_jkm@yahoo.co.in Thanks
2259Whether SSI Engg HRD is a consultancy or companyi got one mail from there....if i pay 750- ..they will give oppertunity for job...so at what level it will give..shall we beleive it are not?
1 3499In Testing Methodology Why SSIT is called as Software Software Integration Testing? Why we can't call as Software Integration Testing(SIT)?
Any body knows why Loadrunner 9.5 is not able to create script with web(click and script) protocol with recording option set to GUI. We have seen for the same scenario Loadrunner 8.1 is able to create script on images,button.list boxes with the same settings for web(click and script) protocol .
what are the thing/problems that occurs during the developing the software..
How to import multiple xl files which are saved in a folder into SAS and extract two different types of values from a given variable at a time? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Rasi
Why does the "Null" appear in datastage output in those places where there are spaces?? What is the reason for different number of Null in dev and IST environment??
If a developer said the bug a QA found is not a bug, what should i do despite having to reproduced the screenshot of the application?
what are the qualification measures for integration
what is the difference between integration and release
How to designing a spreadsheet to display the QA basic metrics in Excel?
Hi Friends I am learning QTP and in preliminary stage, able to write statements with no addl constraints however i am not able to get a solution if there are two options to be selected from the weblist and also when there are options with radio buttons need your help Thanks
i ma working on a project where i need to accept the requirements in english language and generate test cases for it.the requirment for example is Req002 – Turn the engine off (Engine_fuelling = Off AND Engine_supply = Off) if Key_position = Engine_off. Req003 – Switch on accessories (Accessories_power = On) if Key_position = Acc. Req004 – Switch off accessories (Accessories_power = Off) if Engine_starter = Active how am i goin to design the requirement structure for this and please suggest what will be the positive and negative test cases for these requirements for functional testing
1.ab*cd=EEE the ab*d= ?
what is the purpose of s.w.Integration in software project
need of crystal client in sap bo integrationkit?
User flow chart for an ecommerce website
What is Agile Methodology