Current Product Maintenance Interview Questions
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Test cases on Feed back form page ???


1 12140

Hi would like to know if anyone has done any course like telecom testing or mainfram etsting from Arcus Infotech in Hyd/Chennai/Banglore.if so is it worth to do the course now and if any one were placed through that institute in any company through them. hope to get a positive feedback.its bit urgent to know.

1 4140

Any body knows why Loadrunner 9.5 is not able to create script with web(click and script) protocol with recording option set to GUI. We have seen for the same scenario Loadrunner 8.1 is able to create script on images,button.list boxes with the same settings for web(click and script) protocol .



how to do transport from production to quality.


1. a)in four digit no the fourth number is four time more than the second digit b)in four digit no the third number is three time less than the second number c)in four digit no the first digit is thrice than the fourth digit


1).In a family there are many children ,boy have equal no.of brothers&sisters, girl have twice no.of brothers&sisters .Find the no.

2 4183

1.ab*cd=EEE the ab*d= ?


which one is the best institute to get training on LINUX Administration and SQL Server ?

1 3587

what is the difference between software product and software version ?



is there any criteria to get a job in hcl after MCA.


2 5491

Is there anything like Post Delivery Defect Density?

1 5782

SAP fico APP ISSUE( FOR PAYMENT METHOD "X" WE HAVE " PAYMENT PER DUE DAY" CHECK BOX CHECKED. AND WHEN RUNNING THE PROPOSAL 2 invoicecs[ 1) KR 2) RE] both having same due date and picking in two different proposals ...? is there any setting in app for document type wise payment?


What is a Burn Down Chart in Agile(Scrum) Methodology?

Cognizant, Sierra Atlantica,

1 7273

brand acomplia zimulti acomplia drug interactions get acomplia without a prescription

1 3532

what is a difference between programming language and scripting language?


1 4628

Un-Answered Questions { Current Product Maintenance }

How to designing a spreadsheet to display the QA basic metrics in Excel?


Hi All Can anybody tell me which are the tools used for Build and Release


If a developer said the bug a QA found is not a bug, what should i do despite having to reproduced the screenshot of the application?


i ma working on a project where i need to accept the requirements in english language and generate test cases for it.the requirment for example is Req002 – Turn the engine off (Engine_fuelling = Off AND Engine_supply = Off) if Key_position = Engine_off. Req003 – Switch on accessories (Accessories_power = On) if Key_position = Acc. Req004 – Switch off accessories (Accessories_power = Off) if Engine_starter = Active how am i goin to design the requirement structure for this and please suggest what will be the positive and negative test cases for these requirements for functional testing


can you let me know how to use rosemount hart communicator 375 to communicate foundatiob fieldbus, can we upgrade the software if so where we get free of cost


Can some one please answer the below interview questions. 1.Cut over activities for fixed assets 2.. Cut over activities for inventory posting 3. If you cut the check in RFFOUS_C program will there be any journal entry updated in fi 4. What are + Pay files & have you worked on + pay files 5. A/R - What is the logic behind lock box to receive payments in SAP.How it is connected to FI / How will system recognize lock box?what will be there in BAI file


1. a)in four digit no the fourth number is four time more than the second digit b)in four digit no the third number is three time less than the second number c)in four digit no the first digit is thrice than the fourth digit


compare/different Waterfall and Rapid Application Development(RAD)


Have you ever been involved in Testing?


how to creat 2 test plan in 2 different enviroment exp:tour and travel


Any body knows why Loadrunner 9.5 is not able to create script with web(click and script) protocol with recording option set to GUI. We have seen for the same scenario Loadrunner 8.1 is able to create script on images,button.list boxes with the same settings for web(click and script) protocol .


In Testing Methodology Why SSIT is called as Software Software Integration Testing? Why we can't call as Software Integration Testing(SIT)?


Please suggest the negative test cases/Test scenarios for FB homepage.


If there are 11 versions of a mapping and if you want to keep the latest version and delete the remaining versions .. how do you do it?


what is the difference between software product and software version ?