What is Configuration mangament
Answer / rami
The Software Configuration Management(SCM)is a process
indentifying, difyining, implimenting, managing, tracking
the Configurable Items(CIs). The CI could be either
software or hardware.
As per Softwaer Engineering, SCM is engineering deciplane
If you consider Development life cycle is heart of software
development, Then SCM is a heart beat ofr it.
Major Components of SCM are
Change Mangement
Version Control Management
Release management
Identifying the Configurable Items(CIs. The CI could
either software or hardware.
Defining the Configurable Items(CIs) based on it's nature
and purpose.
Implimenting the the Indentified and defined CIs in form of
service, process, knowledge in respective enviroment for
end user purpose.
Managing the impimented services through the SCM life cycle.
Tracking the CI, SERVICES and some other things(As per
defination of you project) for auditing purpose and
continous integration of SCM.
rAMI m.
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