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CDAC Interview Questions
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merge sort time complexity

6 20504

How to use c/c++ code in JAVA

10 19648

What is an idle thread?

2 29055

What is multiple inheritance ?

17 24365

hi friends how r u as soon in satyam my interview is start but i m very confusued ta wat i do plz help me frndz wat can i do plz tell me some question and answers related with "C" which r asked in the interview .


what is the main differnce between const,readonly and static

3 8443

#define MAX(x,y) (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) main() { int i = 10, j = 5, k = 0; k = MAX(i++, ++j); printf("%d %d %d", i,j,k); } what will the values of i , j and k? }

14 44991

what is iptabe on redhat linux?

3 7669

what is the difference between. system call and library function?

2 19400

Can we use xslt to covert html into vxml?

3 9352

Which company made 'Office Hindi' softwear?

2 6549

Test cases on Feed back form page ???

1 12129

void main() { static int i = 5; if(--i) { main(); printf("%d ",i); } } what would be output of the above program and justify your answer? }

5 29534

/*what is the output for the code*/ void main() { int r; r=printf("naveen"); r=printf(); printf("%d",r); getch(); }

1 3464

what are the main differences between ms access and sqlserver

1 4312

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What does sh mean?


What kind of applications will xaml enable? : xaml


How do I fix rundll error on windows 8?


Is exit(status) truly equivalent to returning the same status from main?


To modify an, existing worksheet. What steps are involved for: 1. Inserting and deleting rows and columns. 2. Printing cell formulas 3Jld displayed values 3. Using the page setup command


What is For-period and In-period


Is the hvac machines are designed 10% less than the electrical feeder value?


I have complited my ERP course in FICO module. Now I want to work in ERP package. Please suggest me how I will apply for the organisation works in ERP environment.


it is possible to check the fail safe condition in pressure transmitter. if possible how?


What is the name of the dna duplication process?


how to upload ledgers in excel or word document


What are trailing whitespace?


What is collections management?


Is it possible to seo a wordpress site to show it on google first page?


Explain javascript accessors ?