Aptitude Questions Interview Questions
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A wall with no windows is 11 feet high and 20 feet long. A large roll of wall paper costs Rs 25 and will cover 60 sq feet of wall. A small roll of wallpaper costs Rs 6 and will cover 10 sq feet of wall. What is the least cost for enough wallpaper to cover the wall? a) Rs 132 b) Rs 75 c) Rs 120 d) Rs 99

eClerx, XL Dynamics,

5 23220

Company A owns 40% of the stocks in the XYZ corporation. company B ownz 15000 shares. company C owns all the shares not owned by the companies A or B. How many shares of stock does Company A own if company C has 25% more shares than Company A? a) 450000 b) 50000 c) 750000 d) 60000


6 23476

choose the grammatically correct sentence from the given choices. Ignore errors of punctuation, if any. a) Mr. Mehta, being a resident owner, he is entitled to copy of the minutes of the society's meeting. b) Mr. Mehta a resident owner entitles him to a copy of the minutes of the society's meeting. c) Mr. Mehta, being a resident owner, is entitled to copy of the minutes of the society's meeting. d) Mr. Mehta a resident owner is entitled to copy of minutes of the society's meeting.


2 12598

Select from the below given choices, the one which most logically complements the idea in the main sentence or concludes from it. On the moral side, there are compelling arguments for an end to the hand - pulled rickshaws of Kolkatta. a) The West Bengal govt has decreed that hand - pulled rickshaws will be banned by the year end. b) The bengalis believe that by using the rickshaws they are saving a man from hunger. c) The hand pulled rickshaws is a slur on humanity with one human being pulled by another, d) The rickshaw puller belong to other states who came to West Bengal, fleeing poverty and hunger

1 3517

Q2. Pipe A takes 16 min to fill a tank. Pipes B and C, whose cross-sectional circumferences are in the ratio 2:3, fill another tank twice as big as the first. If A has a cross-sectional circumference that is one-third of C, how long will it take for B and C to fill the second tank? (Assume the rate at which water flows through a unit cross-sectional area is same for all the three pipes.)


5 27313

Find the smallest number in a GP whose sum is 38 and product 1728.


4 25545

Fresh Grapes contain 90% water by wt. Dried grapes contain 20% water by %age. What will b wt of dried grapes when we begin with 20 kg fresh grapes

Cap Gemini,

9 25785

find a no which gives remainders as follows for the divider..divider and remainder are for 9 remainder is 8,for 8 its 7,for 7 remainder is 6, for 6 remainder is 5, for 5 remainder is 4, for 4 its 3, for 3 its 2 and for 2 its 1

1 3266

A train speeds past a pole in 15 seconds and a platform 100 m long in 25 seconds. Its length is


7 15644

linux advantages and important questions &anwers

Global Logic, TCS,


three taps a, b, c, together can fill an empty cistern in 10 minutes. the tap a alone can fill it in 30 minutesand the tap b alone 40 minutes. how long will the tap c alone take to fill it


3 7436

lowest common factor of 24 , 36 and 40 is?

2 4268

If A,B,C,D,E r 5 members of a family.4 of them give true statements : 1. E is my mother in law 2. C is my son in law's brother 3. B is my father's brother 4. A is my brother's wife Who made the stmt. and what r the realtions among them Ans. E


4 17724

in 25 words explain what you understand to be the difference between administrative [immigration] detention and correctional imprisonment.


ability to deal objectively and effectively with detainees on an individual or group basis ,regardless of their nationality religion ,culture,age or gender.


Un-Answered Questions { Aptitude Questions }

sum of 5 consecutive numbers is 35. how many of the numbers are prime:


If a man can swim downstream at 6kmph and upstream at 2kmph, his speed in still water is: It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size of the bactiria doubles each day, how long did it take for the bactiria to fill one half of dish?


cgl2010 tier 2 ki merit kya rhgi


Give two activities for improving the skill of speaking.


In the given figure, PA and PB are tangents to the circle at A and B respectively and the chord BC is parallel to tangent PA. If AC = 6 cm, and length of the tangent AP is 9 cm, then what is the length of the chord BC?


Robert invested rupees 8000 in a fixed deposit scheme for 2 years at compound interest of 5 p.c per annum. Calculate and choose from the below mentioned option, how much amount will Robert get from the fixed deposit on maturity?


A, B, C made trips to PIZZA centre B made 2.4 times more trips then ! , C made 6 more then A Total Min trips are


a cube has colors blue,red ,yellow each on two opposite sides.cube is divided into "32 small cubes and 4 large cubes". how many cubes (on 36 cubes) have blue at least one side. how many cubes have colors on two sides.


The time showed by an analog clock at a moment is 11 am then 1234567890 hours later it will show the time as:


Ajay can build a house in 16 days and Barry can do the same job in 12 days. With help of Chintu, they did the job in 4 days only. How many days Chintu can do the job?


linux advantages and important questions &anwers


Find the next letter in the series Q,W,E,R,T,--


if the word 'ddosszm' is changed to 'central' then what will be the change for 'rtjbl' ?


Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15 and 20 hours respectively. If A is open all the time and B and C are open for one hour each alternately. Then the tank will be full in:


If one always ought to act so as to produce the best possible circumstances, then morality is extremely demanding. No one could plausibly claim to have met the requirements of this "simple principle." . . . It would seem strange to punish those intending to do good by sentencing them to an impossible task. Also, if the standards of right conduct are as extreme as they seem, then they will preclude the personal projects that humans find most fulfilling. From an analytic perspective, the potential extreme demands of morality are not a "problem." A theory of morality is no less valid simply because it asks great sacrifices. In fact, it is difficult to imagine what kind of constraints could be put on our ethical projects. Shouldn't we reflect on our base prejudices, and not allow them to provide boundaries for our moral reasoning? Thus, it is tempting to simply dismiss the objections to the simple principle. However, in Demands of Morality, Liam Murphy takes these objections seriously for at least two distinct reasons. First, discussion of the simple principle provides an excellent vehicle for a discussion of morality in general. Perhaps, in a way, this is Murphy's attempt at doing philosophy "from the inside out.". . . Second, Murphy's starting point tells us about the nature of his project. Murphy must take seriously the collisions between moral philosophy and our intuitive sense of right and wrong. He [must do so] because his work is best interpreted as intended to forge moral principles from our firm beliefs, and not to proscribe beliefs given a set of moral principles. [Murphy] argues from our considered judgments rather than to them. . . For example, Murphy cites our "simple but firmly held" beliefs as supporting the potency of the over- demandingness objection, and nowhere in the work can one find a source of moral values divorced from human preferences. Murphy does not tell us what set of "firm beliefs" we ought to have. Rather, he speaks to an audience of well- intentioned but unorganized moral realists, and tries to give them principles that represent their considered moral judgments. Murphy starts with this base sense of right and wrong, but recognizes that it needs to be supplemented by reason where our intuitions are confused or conflicting. Perhaps Murphy is looking for the best interpretation of our convictions, the same way certain legal scholars try to find the best interpretation of our Constitution. This approach has disadvantages. Primarily, Murphy's arguments, even if successful, do not provide the kind of motivating force for which moral philosophy has traditionally searched. His work assumes and argues in terms of an inner sense of morality, and his project seeks to deepen that sense. Of course, it is quite possible that the moral viewpoints of humans will not converge, and some humans have no moral sense at all. Thus, it is very easy for the moral skeptic to point out a lack of justification and ignore the entire work. On the other hand, Murphy's choice of a starting point avoids many of the problems of moral philosophy. Justifying the content of moral principles and granting a motivating force to those principles is an extraordinary task. It would be unrealistic to expect all discussions of moral philosophy to derive such justifications. Projects that attempt such a derivation have value, but they are hard pressed to produce logical consequences for everyday life. In the end, Murphy's strategy may have more practical effect than its first-principle counterparts, which do not seem any more likely to convince those that would reject Murphy's premises. 1) The author suggests that the application of Murphy's philosophy to the situations of two different groups: a) would help to solve the problems of one group but not of the other. b) could result in the derivation of two radically different moral principles. c) would be contingent on the two groups sharing the same fundamental beliefs. d) could reconcile any differences between the two groups. 2) Suppose an individual who firmly believes in keeping promises has promised to return a weapon to a person she knows to be extremely dangerous. According to Murphy, which of the following, if true, would WEAKEN the notion that she should return the weapon? a) She also firmly believes that it is morally wrong to assist in any way in a potentially violent act. b) She believes herself to be well-intentioned in matters of right and wrong. c) The belief that one should keep promises is shared by most members of her community. d) She derived her moral beliefs from first-principle ethical philosophy. 3) The passage implies that a moral principle derived from applying Murphy's philosophy to a particular group would be applicable to another group if: a) the first group recommended the principle to the second group. b) the moral viewpoints of the two groups do not converge. c) the members of the second group have no firmly held beliefs. d) the second group shares the same fundamental beliefs as the first group. 4) According to the passage, the existence of individuals who entirely lack a moral sense: a) confirms the notion that moral principles should be derived from the considered judgments of individuals. b) suggests a potential disadvantage of Murphy's philosophical approach. c) supports Murphy's belief that reason is necessary in cases in which intuitions are conflicting or confused. d) proves that first-principle strategies of ethical theorizing will have no more influence over the behavior of individuals than will Murphy's philosophical approach. 5) Which of the following can be inferred about "doing philosophy from the inside out?" a) Murphy was the first philosopher to employ such an approach. b) It allows no place for rational argument in the formation of ethical principles. c) It is fundamentally different from the practice of first-principle philosophy. d) It is designed to dismiss objections to the "simple principle." 6) A school board is debating whether or not to institute a dress code for the school's students. According to Murphy, the best way to come to an ethical decision would be to: a) consult the fundamental beliefs of the board members. b) analyze the results of dress codes instituted at other schools. c) survey the students as to whether or not they would prefer a dress code. d) determine whether or note a dress code has ever been instituted in the school's history.