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Global Logic Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is phishing?

4 9720

Are you willing to relocate ?

2 11888

PHP can be used frontend of for backend?

3 10677

What is meant by content management system?

3 19420

How to link one site backend to another site frontend?


why the wait,notify,notifyall methods are placed in object class?these are the thread concepts why these methods are placed in Object class?

2 10781

selection process of globalLogic, noida august 2008

1 8819

Why Wait and notify are kept in Object class although they are used only with Thread Class

2 9824

please provide jam round interview topics and answers

58 1014962

Can we put move statement in COBOL copybook

3 14451

what is the difference between call by value and call by reference?

5 8427

Suppose there are three modules A-B-C, the output of A is responsible for B and output of B is responsible for C and if A & C is not ready & B module is ready then how can u check Module B

5 9841

Code for 1>"ascii to string" 2>"string to ascii"

1 4908

What is the usability test case for yahoo login page

4 15505

linux advantages and important questions &anwers


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Un-Answered Questions

what is Bank Stock Statement and which companies required bank stock statement, how can we make the bank stock statement


Which command puts a script to sleep untill a signal is recieved?


a function gets called when the function name is followed by a a) semicolon (;) b) period(.) c) ! d) none of the above


What are the roles played by wrappers in uml?


Why do users of accounting information need accounting information?


Explain search factor (sf)?


What is the use of the animate() method in jquery?


How do we calculate transformer oil in liter from the rating of the transformer.


What is pan hard rod or track bar?


What is use of hashtable in c#?


Explain how groovy string is expressed?


How to use actions in qtp ?


How can you apply the same formatting to every sheet in a workbook in ms-excel?


What is ienumerator c#?


How will you register and activate windows?