SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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what is pmin

Cap Gemini,

3 8791

In how many places we can block the Sales Document?

6 11151

What is the Difference between Reconciliation A/C and Normal Posting A/c

3 15175

What is the meaning of Condition Index?

4 17420

What is the functionality of Condition Exclusion?

1 7058

What is the functionality of Status Profile?

2 10190

What are the Effects of PGI(Post Goods Issue)

3 25211

what is client requirement in Schedule Line Category?

4 9271

Explain about Min Value Surcharge Calculated?

1 7075

Basic Elements of Condition Tech?

3 6202

What is Lean Ware House Management in Detail?

3 8113

Explain About Dunning Procedure?

4 8600

In order to make up a Sales Area which Organisational Elements will help?

2 4610

Explain me about Alt Cond Type & Alt Cal Type in Pricing Procedure?

2 8681

Is Accrual Account part of G/L Account or are they Seperate Accounts?

3 6218

Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions

Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

What is information structures? What are the basic types of information it (information structure) comprises of?


how can you do consignment in inter company sales?


Give examples for standard output types in sd.


Can the items in a billing document belong to different distribution channels?


What is the transaction code for creating a material in sap and what is the transaction code to extend a material?


What is a 'customer-material information record'?


How can one billing document type has 2 different number system? Basically if there are two documents belonging to same document type but for two different plants, then how come they both have different number system?


monitoring Magic Service help desk for issue posted by the end user on daily basis (2) Analy


What kind of reporting and analytics capabilities does sap transportation management have? : transportation management


Explain what is condition types? What is the path to define condition type in sap for pricing?


client wants to have sales of particular material area wise. How to write functional spec for this


A Client wants to connect his SAP ECC system to his SAP CRM system. What do you want to do to enable the integration. a)Install the plug-in on the CRM system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the ECC system b)Install the XIF adapter on the CRM system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the ECC system c) Install the XIF adapter in the ECC system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the CRM system D)Install the plug-in on the ECC system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the CRM system


What is act key? And how it works? Normally how many pricing procedures do in implementation?


this is Ramu .i am working as sap sd end user.I am joined sap sd course but i am completed my graduation 2011. actually 2005 -2008 my education year. any plausibility to get good ob


What is sap transport domain controller? : transportation management