SAP Basis Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to add sap systems in solution manager? Steps?

2 4457

How to find file system with size in unix?

3 5299

To check if sap work processes are running?

5 5818

To check if oracle processes are running?

2 3640

Last step of kernel upgrade in unix

2 4342

What is OPS$ mechanism?

NTT Data,

3 10879

Database related issues?

3 3976

If Background job active long time ?

3 5179

Difference between shutdown abort and shutdown immediate?

2 7099

Difference between DB Verify and DB Check?

1 2756

If user admin password forgot? What you do?

2 4577

Type of client copies?

JK Technosoft,

3 5793

How will you do a local client copy? Just tell us up to the point where you monitor the progress. What if SAP* user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?

2 3438

What is the difference between R/3 and ECC?

4 8722

What is the purpose of table USR02?

3 11327

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP Basis }

Explain reference and service user in sap. What are their uses?


Explain the system trace?


Where do you check transport request logs?


How to identify a particular T_Code has been modified or not? If yes, how to identify who modified particular T_Code in current system?


Hi ,All What is the multi-threading and max connections for rfc. Actually i am facing problem while send large amount of idocs to external system using middle ware tibco r3 adapter. And how to enable these in SAP ?


Do you have done System copy? What are the steps?


Explain what is “data sets” in sap?


How to apply job on OS Level?


What are steps for DB Refresh?


Explain the architecture of sap system with different layers. What is the use of gateway?


What is your organization’s security philosophy? What level of security does your data require? How much risk are you willing to assume in each application area?


What is the purpose of webdisptcher and Installing and configuring Web Dispatcher what are the prerequisites?


What is your UNIX experience and the types of UNIX systems you have worked on.


you want to do a system-copy. List the steps you will take.


Does any one have SAP basis B1 Resume format for 4 to 5 year experience? if any one have please send me on