For ex: i scheduled one ABAP program as a background job but it was running 10 days, how to analyze the problem?
1628Applied basis support pack successfully when the system which is not updated in the system status? Why? How to resolve?
1 3120
What are patches you applied?
What is client administration in sap system? Why do we use multiple clients in sap system?
Explain what is the purpose of tdevc ?
What are the activities you done in EP?
Briefly explain a recent problem you faced, which u felt proud by solving that? And how will u solved?
Transport request types and its syntax?
Explain what is sap ides?
what is the use of psapundo tablespace? what is the error ora -01555 can u prevent this error?
At o.s level where to check for system logs of sap application?
what are the pre-requisites to apply support patch?
What is ocm and how to apply ocm patches?
What is MySAP?
what is sox and sod in sap ?
Have u applied patches what is the transaction code?
How client refresh is different than client copy?