what is the query execution process in sap r/3 architecture,if multiple queries are immediate to execute?
1 2448What happens in background when a user logins to a portal system, what are the three default processes in java instance
1 4243Can anyone forward me EP faqs to the following mail id: hakeem99khan@gmail.com Thanks in advance
2348How to configure web ui in crm 7.when i am trying to access
web ui it gives some error like
"Business Server Page (BSP) error
What happened?
Calling the BSP page was terminated due to an error.
SAP Note
* The following error text was processed in the system:
Die URL enthält keine vollständige Domainangabe
(mgpl0001 statt mgpl0001.
Explain transport domain?
What is the folder it will ask to install oracle?
What are the daily transactions?
What is an interface in SAP?
How you can disable the ‘import all’ button on stms for the queues?
Which are the most frequent errors encountered while dealing with transports ?
1)Have you used performance tuning? What major steps will you use for these? 2)In production what is the user exit? 3)What type of user exits have you written? 4)Difference between Search Helps and Match Codes 5)On which even we can validate the input fields in module progams? 6)what are the table controls in BDC ? 7)what is the difference between bdc and lsmw ? 8) If the scripts are client dependent, what above driver program ? (client dependent / independent) 9). I have two pages, In one page I want address, Header, Main & footer. In the second page I want only Main. How to do it? 10) Will 50,000 records be uploaded directly into APP's Server? 11) What is the button to change the variant in ALV ? 12) If your project is support project ? when is your implementation has completed ? 13)In start of selection, if we perform validation, what happens ? 12)How to join 3 tallies & looping. We have developed a program in a client say (200- client) and 210 has test data. No developing rights. How to test data? 13)How to transfer data which is coming from are report as output to another report 14)How to create standard text and how do u transfer it ? 15)What are the views when we are creating Material ?
What is the difference between – support package, kernel and sap note?
Mention what is the purpose of table usr02?
When we install sap r/3 enterprise 4.7, there are several error messages in the sapview.log. What does this mean?
1.how to retrive corrupt file in back up ? 2.what post actives of patching 3.how increase the file size in unix
Is it possible to install ecc 5.0 as a test system and not production, without installing solution manager?
How do I know what threshold values to set
How many types of work processes are there in sap ?
Do you know about oss what do you do with oss?