How can one start Sap Application Server through Command prompt and what is the command used to start SAP Application Server ?
5 15382How to selftest whether the Sap Application Server is installed properly or not through command prompt?what is the command to selftest ?
3 5859i cant find the user TMSADM in my system after the tms single system configuration.can any one tell me the reason
1 4978i want to uninstall sap s.l and the answer i get is SAP system YOS is based on AS Java. Cannot remove it. the sys is empty - way i cant delete it?
2 4750What is sap, sap is company name or product please describe in breife i m very confuse to take these term that sap is product or company name?
3 13515-which type plate form is use in devlopment of sap application for example c# language use .Net Frame Work.?
1 3660i want my company code and controlling area defaut as 'ABC" through out SAP what to do ? and my plantcode also default to some value
What are the different modules of SAP?
In what ways you would know whether a system is unicode or non-unicode?
what are the pre-requisites to apply support patch?
What is XI3.0? Explain XI
What is your organization’s security philosophy? What level of security does your data require? How much risk are you willing to assume in each application area?
List the difference between asynchronous and synchronous transport?
What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode?
What are the daily transactions?
if i want to limit the condition record validity for forst 10 orders how can i do tht plz ans i hve interview in 2/3 days
How to set predecessor relationship between two transport requests?
How do you check the installed software components and product versions on sap system?
What is an interface in SAP?
Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to monitor all the application servers. How to configure a CCMS?
What are the Parameters need to be set when connecting EP to r/3 system what are they?
Which are the most frequent errors encountered while dealing with transports ?