ERP CRM Interview Questions
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How GL master a/c value control in SAP?

2 5295

What is the difference between Z and 0 Tables in SAP BW3.5?


4 15407

while creating delivery with reference to order then i can't able to post goods issue getting error message: "Update control of movement type is incorrect entry 561 XX_L"....Please give me answer of this question...

4 6984

Where will you defind logon balancing, how would define and what strategy will you use?

2 5790

What happens if you restart the system, will you loose the trace file, or can you see?

3 7432

In third Party sale a sales order of 100 qty of an item raised but vendor supplies 40 qty of that item. Now business wants to close the sales order after delevering of 40 qty by the vendor. In this case what should be done. please reply


12 25704

What happens after PGI

IBM, Wipro,

9 26834

After client copy is table space and database sizes will be increased or not?

2 14557

While creating delivery with reference to order then i can't able to post goods issue getting error message: "Update control of movement type is incorrect entry 561 XX_L".... I got the answer: Mainly in standard settings there is movt type 601 for this purpose. And movt type 561 is mainly for initial stock upload. don't use this movt type for your requirement, if still if we want to use same then we can do this by changing this error to warning & proceed. so how to change the error message to warning...?

3 5997

1.what is nomenclature of your company? 2.what is sand box?


1 2784

What is meant by Short period Posting?


1 5941

how to migrate standard text in sap script to smart form?


2 8681

How to automatically post interest to different interest accounts in OBV2? I have two loans taken from different banks and I want to post interests of first loan to int1 acct and the other loan interest to int2 acct... How to configure please help?

2 4838

what is beta report

Wipro, Zensar,


"what is your lavel in the company" interviwer asked me in the interview


1 4731

Un-Answered Questions { ERP CRM }

How would you call a subroutine in sap script?


For what purposes internal orders can be used?


What are the field and chain statements?


Which steps must be used in implementing a quality management system?


Which function inserts values into an array? What is “pop”?


Customization is done in dev db. Which tool can be used to move it to prod db?


Give an example of SOD with object level control & also decide the Risk implication from the Technical standpoint.


give me fico material in ramesh institute


Explain what is eapps.cfg file?


What are the different physical inventory procedures supported in sap system?


what is deference Business area and Profit center?


What is the process for maintaining catalog a profile for each equipment?


What are the different ways we can set up the portal security to access component in portal?


what is the use of hr: security profile, while configure multiorg?


How stock is being transferred from one plant to another plant?