while creating delivery with reference to order then i can't able to post goods issue getting error message: "Update control of movement type is incorrect entry 561 XX_L"....Please give me answer of this question...
4 6913In third Party sale a sales order of 100 qty of an item raised but vendor supplies 40 qty of that item. Now business wants to close the sales order after delevering of 40 qty by the vendor. In this case what should be done. please reply
12 25508While creating delivery with reference to order then i can't able to post goods issue getting error message: "Update control of movement type is incorrect entry 561 XX_L".... I got the answer: Mainly in standard settings there is movt type 601 for this purpose. And movt type 561 is mainly for initial stock upload. don't use this movt type for your requirement, if still if we want to use same then we can do this by changing this error to warning & proceed. so how to change the error message to warning...?
3 5940How to automatically post interest to different interest accounts in OBV2? I have two loans taken from different banks and I want to post interests of first loan to int1 acct and the other loan interest to int2 acct... How to configure please help?
2 4780
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