In a company there are 2 plants, Both Plants manufacturing the same product. In Plant 1 variance come. Now the client requirement is add that variance in the plant 2. How can we do that ?
1449Can we change price control from S to V in mid of the year, If we can change what is the process steps we will follow from CO end?
1398How do you monitor and track messages flowing through SAP Process Orchestration? Are there any specific tools or dashboards you use?
1If an integration fails, what steps would you take to troubleshoot and identify the root cause in SAP PO?
What is off cycle payroll run
How do you write a unit test for a trigger whose only function is to make a callout?
Explain about Recording Function?
How many ways we can make a field is required?
Can I know about SAP for Insurance.
Why do we need Batch Apex?
Write an abap program for creation of customer enquiry using BAPI 'BAPI_INQUIRY_CREATEFROMDATA'.
Hana support in real-time what types of source database? : hana sql script
Folder types in smatforms? 2)What is Command line?
What is difference between supply chain collaboration and supply chain coordination?” : supply chain management
Explain bp master data?
Explain how to Handle the internal tables in ABAP?
Explain the steps involved in implementation of oracle hrms.
What is defect prevention?
Have u applied patches what is the transaction code?