Can you explain the process of designing a data integration job in SAP BODI? What components would you use?
1These interview questions cover a range of topics related to SAP Business Objects Data Integrator (BODI) and can help assess a candidate's knowledge, experience, and problem-solving skills in the context of data integration and ETL processes.
1suppose in the landscape there is development, quality, pre-production and production system is there. what is the route(transport route) between pre-production to production? and why?
1656the company needs to expand its region to another country which the same authorizations had previously what approach you will take
1847How to use for pickup termination with external sourcing a different Factory Calendar than used in plant masterdata ?
1 1716
What is t.code for script styles?
What are process codes?
Can we convert the lookup relationship to master detail relationship?
what is the use of delivery and billing documents header and item
Why we use virtual companies?
Which MRP types you have used?
How data flows from co to copa? : co-pa
Describe the dunning process? : fi- accounts receivable
What are advantages and disadvantages of logical data base
What are the main features of consignment stock?
What is meant by risk? How you can avoid the risks?
How will you make a field mandatory in maintenance notification for a certain notification type?
Is the connection between the sap cloud platform and the cloud connector encrypted?
what is the link specification?
What do you mean by forecast-based planning?