How will you communicate between two components?
In real world when do you recommend aggregate?
Please differentiate between translate, processing, control and transaction tables?
Please tell what are the tables we can use in FISL and COPA in real time.. Explain clearly?
What are the different modules of sap? : sap abap hr
What are the pooled and cluster tables?
What is the functional difference between row and column based storage? Where do we use row-based storage and column-based storage?
Can we integrate lightning components with another framework, such as angular?
There are result analysis categories in wip (work in process). What do you mean by the result analysis category reserves for unrealized costs?
What are the permission sets in salesforce?
what is the use of tcode SUSHARE in SAP and how the mass user authorizations compared?
Please explain the different types of views in sap hana?
What is negative time recording?
What are the different types of luws. What are they?
how we will configure export sales in sd (respect to plants assign and sales process)?