Program lines for the radio button selection and unabling some input variables in section screen
1109Filter badi and multiple used badi? Will the sequence matter of the badi implementation in case of multiple used badi?
1473What is an interface? In what scenario we use interface? What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
what will you do if recovery log reaches 98%?
What exactly do you know about the sap fico?
Explain Trigger events? & context variables?
What is mean by DME , IN APP WHERE IT ASSIGN
Explain Field Update Perform in Workflow?
What do you define in an inspection plan?
Use SET PF_STATUS which is in the FM reuse_alv_grid_display to set the button
Explain the process of trasferring an applicant?
What is a dashboard in sap bw and how it is created?
Difference between extract structure and datasource
What is gpa log book?
What are various procedures for counting physical inventory?
Mention what is the difference between domain and data element?
Why and how you calculate WIP?
What is maintenance item?