Program lines for the radio button selection and unabling some input variables in section screen
1072Filter badi and multiple used badi? Will the sequence matter of the badi implementation in case of multiple used badi?
1443What is an interface? In what scenario we use interface? What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
What is an evaluation path? : sap abap hr
When i am executing process chain ,the pc takes data into the xml file and transfer to the next process..where this xml file is stored?
What is hp-alm tool?
How do you maintain fiscal year variant?
what is the difference between xi and other integrations ie. tibco,web methods
What are the available trigger contest variables?
What is the t-code to display batch input sessions? : abap bdc
can anyone please share SAP FICA interview questions and answers ?
What is the Difference between TECO and CLSD?
Why models class generated in platform extensions in hybris?
Overview of G/L account :- Dear, what type of G/L account use in SAP.How to see all type of G/L account in sap those are used in a organization.
Explain what is the purpose of sap script?
before doing client copy you have to adjust table space at os level.what is the single command for that?(with out going through all the menu of brtools)
Where do you find PAM for SAP NetWeaver platform?
what are the stages involved in VALUE SAP. please brief it