what are the components in the cognos connection page consists (eg: my folder, public folder,directions, schedule management tool etc.....)
1805what does my folder and public folder contains? difference between the my folder and public folder?
3 8420what is an outer join? difference between left outer join right outer join with an example?
1 10335what is cardinality that you can give to employee and department query subjects in framework manager?
2 6119what is prompt types of prompt example briefly each types of product (eg:values, date,search,prompt etc.)
1 17304how can create a report like if the salary>50,000 display balance,if salary<50,000 display green?
6 7981
Can you define framework manager?
What is the report studio?
4. How many dimensions did you use in your reports?
What is a dimension?
What are all the types of hierarchies?
What are the different uses of a repository manager?
What are the types of catalogs in cognos?
How Metrics Studio is better than Report Studio?
What is difference between informatica power mart and power center?
how to develop dynamic dashboards, and what is the difference between static and dyanmic dashboards in report studion and need with example. plz mail me on this email id vasucognos4@gmail.com
Can you define drill across?
Which lifecycle we will use for reporting?
What is metric store database?
what is degenerate key in oracle ?whare do we use it?