how u burst the reports? if u r bursted reports is not reached to destination how u identify???
how u will determine the performence tune will occur either in report or system
how u will design the report if the objects are available
How security is concerned with Reportnet? Explain its implementing steps.
what is power prompt in cognos ep7series?what is the use of this?
What is the difference between Open Connection command ang Open Session Command?
what is a prompt value in report studio and variables ?
how can we Upgrad the reports from version Impromptu 6.0 to 7.0 and Power Play from version 6.6 to 7.0 ?
How can we Maintain the Cube Security by Category level and Dimension level ?
hi friends pls forward impropmtu interview question
what are the difficult problem are you involved in cognos report net and 8 and impromptu if any pls share with us
what is the role of cognos comsultant?what actually it means?pls reply
is there any difference between operational database and data base?if yes what r they?
plsreply to interested to do the cgnos certifications relating to report developer.can you suggest me what kind of certifications andwhere cani get (dumps) previous quetions and answers for the certification........
What is the difference between regular dimension and derminant?