how u will design the report if the objects are available
Which lifecycle we will use for reporting?
What is the difference between ‘macro’ and ‘prompt?
what are the migration tools available in the market with respect to cognos such as impromptu reports are migrated to cognos reportnet?
Hi.. friends, dis Bhaskar p.if any of u having realtime scenerios.. plz send to me.. my mailid s send ASAP.. waiting for reply..
How Metrics Studio is better than Report Studio?
-------------What is Coditional Prompting?
What is cognos powerhouse?
What are all the different types of prompt in cognos?
We can use a calculated field to dynamically create the burst recipients in Cognos 8. Can we do the same in Cognos ReportNet 1.1?
Synchroness 1.What are hash prompts? Ans: Tree prompts in which hierarchies can be seen,they can be said as hash prompts. 2.User wants to see 5 more coloums in the report.We have package and data base,how will u implement using it in report.? Ans: 3.What is automatic optimization?what is optimization?what are the properties you set for optimization in report studio? 4.what is command to display first 10 records from a table? IGATE 1.In FM if we change a fact symbol to attribute,will it effect the report? 2.If a report is slow in generating output. How do u perform tuning? How do u reduce joins in sql? Using left outer join is it going to improve the report performance? IBM 1.How do you configure ? 2.How do you drill through report from RS to Analysis studio?
What is the use of cognos decision stream?
Explain difference between powerplay transformer and power play reports?
what are all the versions of cognos and cognos8 as well as mention all the advantages nd disadvantages in cognos8 versions. any one plz answer this question.
What is meant by drill down?