hi Here ive question on Reportnet when we save a report in reportstudio with what ext it save
6 15894What are the steps involved in migrating CRN enviroment to Cognos 8?
BMW, Goyal Group, Mersan,
3 9663How many number of cubes can we create on a single model? How can we navigate between those cubes?
2 7257
What actually a project contains?
Can you define folder?
Explain about scorecarding?
What are all the different types of prompt in cognos?
what is the procedure for scheduling conditional rendering?
Can you define metrics designer?
What are the steps to import the two data sources in framework manager?
What is difference between informatica power mart and power center?
Name the types of gateway?
What is the complex report you faced in real time?
How is cognos model organization works?
What is a Query Subject?
What are the advantages of using cognos sql?
How the Bursting happens in same report and how to Print the bursting Report?
How to create a cube in Transformer? What is the process? Please mention process thank u