Write types of folders present in cognos?
What do you understand by the term 'model durability'?
What are initial page components of Cognos connection?
Synchroness 1.What are hash prompts? Ans: Tree prompts in which hierarchies can be seen,they can be said as hash prompts. 2.User wants to see 5 more coloums in the report.We have package and data base,how will u implement using it in report.? Ans: 3.What is automatic optimization?what is optimization?what are the properties you set for optimization in report studio? 4.what is command to display first 10 records from a table? IGATE 1.In FM if we change a fact symbol to attribute,will it effect the report? 2.If a report is slow in generating output. How do u perform tuning? How do u reduce joins in sql? Using left outer join is it going to improve the report performance? IBM 1.How do you configure ? 2.How do you drill through report from RS to Analysis studio?
What is the information present in the cognos configuration file?
What are the considerations regarding performance kept in mind while setting up cognos?
What is the difference between Open Connection command ang Open Session Command?
Which studio is used to create reports?
What is difference between primary key and unique key constraints?
What is catalog and types of catalogs in cagonos and which is better?
What is meant by drill down?
can we insert all types of charts in a list report? what r the realtime prompts?
What do you understand by ‘ibm predictive maintenance and quality’?
I have two queries in first query i have to show all values,in second query i have to show 3 values and want to hide 3 values what prompt ur going to use, why that prompt
How to join multiple db in catalog?