what are the main differences between keyword driven frame
work and data driven frame work?

what are the main differences between keyword driven frame work and data driven frame work?..

Answer / rajesh

Data Driven Framework;
-This framework is suitable in those applications where
there limited scope of functionality and larger variations
in-terms of test data.
-In this framework the test scripts are executed and
verified using data values from one or more central data
sources like excel, csv files & ODBC sources etc. Here the
variables used are input values and output verification
values: basically navigation of the program will be
reading from data sources and logging the test status.

Keyword driven Framework:
-This framework is suitable in those applications where is
large scope functionality and smaller variations in-terms
of test data.
-Basically the advantage of automated tests are use of
re-usability and ease of maintainance created
at high level of abstraction. Based on this thesis the
data table records contains keywords that represents
actions to be performed. They also provide additional data
needed as input to the application. The benchmark
information we use to verify the status of the GUI or
system components and application in general.

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