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Satyam QTP Interview Questions
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Which object repository we use in real time and can we merge 2 object repostiory and how?

6 15252

What is API

2 6810

how do you configure QTP AND Test director?

1 4623

how u conduct GUI testing and PERFORMANCE testing on MS- WORD? and What r the GUI Test Cases and performance Test Cases?

3 10955

how quick test record on dynamically generated urls and web pages.

3 6858

What is meant by Pseudo Code?

5 13202

What is the difference between Call to Action and Copy Action?

2 7419

What exactly a frame Work means?what are the different type of frameworks done in QTP?why the caption for QTP given as advanced keyword driven?

4 9016

what is exact difference between smoke and sanity testing?

6 9364

What is the difference between gettoproperty and settoproperty?Explain with an example?

4 19053

For ex we are doing automate testing in that can we do some part of application recording, some part descriptive programing and some part general VB scripting like that .............

3 6095

wht is Manual Testing Frame work. Pls anybody can give appropriate answers


how can we group that these test cases only should be automated and in which order you execute that test cases

3 7004

what kind of erros can be handled with the using QTP?

2 5233

Have you worked with QC?

1 2153

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Satyam QTP Interview Questions

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total amount of milk produced each morning and then calculates and outputs the number of cartons needed for this milk , the cost of producing the milk and the profit from producing this milk.


What is an XPath?


Which collection allows duplicate values in java?


Which method is used to sort the data in ADO.Net?


Is visual studio 2019 still in preview?


Why should we use marketing geographic techniques while selling?


Explain what is meant by 'bit masking'?


Which class is used to send an email message from an ASP.NET Web page?


How would you drop a table in Hive?


What is row state?


What is the difference between dbm cfg and db cfg file in db2 ?


What are Suggested Solutions?


What is the difference between strcpy() and memcpy() function in c programming?


What are runtime shared libraries in flex? : adobe flex action script


Why is tuple immutable?