What are pl/sql packages?
In Which NameSpace you will find a ‘Popup’ and ‘Thumb’ control in WPF?
What do you know about csrf token in laravel? How can someone turn off csrf protection for a specific route?
Why functions are used in sql?
What are the advantages of LINQ over stored procedure?
Can I enable requests to a jdbc connection pool for a database connection to wait until a connection is available? : BEA Weblogic
What is master catalog?
What are the different ways in which we can secure the websites hosted on tomcat server?
what is the purpose of the wait(), notify(), and notifyall() methods? : Java thread
Difference between web services & remoting?
Who made redux?
When I set a float variable to, say, 3.1, why is printf printing it as 3.0999999?
Why do we need to override in c#?
How do I write a cron which will run a sql query and mail the results to agroup?
Explain about an event-driven programming language?