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Satyam SQL Server Interview Questions
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what is web server?

3 12769

Difference between Cluster and Non-cluster index?

32 141581

What is the difference between NOROW and LOCKROW?


how to implement locking in sql server

3 8002

What is Deadlock?

4 7905

I have a huge amount of data which is displayed in a report. The data is viewed every day. Every day the data is displayed in 30 secs but suddenly today it is giving an timeout message today. Data has not been changed. The situation is same as yesterday. What might be the reason??? Please Answer.

4 6675

When do you create cluster and noncluster index?

5 9099

hi i gone though satyam interview. what is Acid Properties?

2 5371

what are batch in sql server?

2 9309

Difference Between varchar and nvarchar datatype?

3 13481

Difference between sql server 2000 and sql server 2005?

11 51249

what is normalization? what is denormalization?

9 33248

what is extended StoreProcedure ?

3 6055

Different Types of Functions ?

2 12160

CLR Integration ? what is Notification services ?

1 4745

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Satyam SQL Server Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Can you add two arrays together?


What is an ATM?


How to read message from jms queue in java?


What is quantum machine learning?


What do I have to do to make my code work with the security system?


What is the use of safe mode in android?


On What Basis Securities Should Be Selected?


In HSE what is Lost time accident? why it is to be reported within 48 hrs to gov.authorities ?


WE know that for Inductor X=2pifL,In DC f=0,then X=0 so,V=IX=0;But In the DC excitation of rotor of AC generator,DC motor field coil which coils are inductor so why does not applying DC voltage short the rotor coil of AC generator and field coil of motor?If it would then DC source might be damaged but it is not happened. Why does the strand conductor of Electrical power transmission line make twist?


Explain which test cases are written first black boxes or white boxes?


what are the drawbacks of JSON?


What is blend for visual studio?


What are app widgets?


What is the difference between classes and ids in html and css?


How we schedule and administering background jobs?