What is the difference between alter trigger and drop trigger statements?
Explain about Obj-Validate method?
Explain sticky intent in android?
Why plc require in analog input 4-20amp & 0-10 volt?
Tell me what are the basic operations performed by the decorator?
What is difference between sendredirect and requestdispatcher?
Explain an extent?
What is maintenance planning? What are different types of maintenance planning?
What are the functions of umbilical cord?
What is windows process activation service?
What is meant by step-down cyclo-converters?
What is the FE 250 structural steel of 8mm tk plate testing sample intervals with IS code or international code?
Explain the process of wep?
How to upload excel files into Quality Center using QTP Script and how to delete excel files from Quality?
Does VSS 6.0 support NT’s built-in security?