For ex we are doing automate testing in that can we do some
part of application recording, some part descriptive
programing and some part general VB scripting like
that .............

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For ex we are doing automate testing in that can we do some part of application recording, some pa..

Answer / siva reddy (us)


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For ex we are doing automate testing in that can we do some part of application recording, some pa..

Answer / krishna


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For ex we are doing automate testing in that can we do some part of application recording, some pa..

Answer / anonymous

Depends on scenario..
If objects are not being recognized by qtp, we should use
descriptive programme.
1. We can directly record.
2.Then modify those scripts- this is enhancements. We can
also directly write scripts by first creating the shared
repository. Modification is very must for any script.

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