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Satyam Core Java Interview Questions
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How is rounding performed under integer division?

2 5453

What are the OOPS concepts in Java ?

4 11100

What methods are used in Servlet?Applet communication?


what are depricated methods ?

5 10226

What is multiple inheritance & can we implement it in java?

6 13804

what is the difference between cd & dvd ?

30 51817

what is the difference between ArrayList and Vector

19 45922

explain oops concepts with examples?

29 200132

what is mean by method signature?

5 8641

what is mean by String and StringBuffer? What is mean by Methooverriding and Overloading?

2 5162

whats the life cycle of jsp

2 5393

what is mean by method signature?

8 11586

what is mean by String and StringBuffer? What is mean by Methooverriding and Overloading?

3 7966

whats the life cycle of jsp

15 21186

Can you explain the difference b/n abtract and interface with a good example,?In what cases we have use abtract and what case interface?

4 7598

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Satyam Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Will the de minimis levels of support permissible also be reduced in this round? Will this lead to india having to reduce any of its subsidies for its farmers?


How can we register exception filter globally?


How you can change a cross join into an inner join?


Is mongodb a document database?


What is the difference between CAT 5e communication cable & CAT4 Communication cable


What is meant by lazy loading?


What is numeric function?


Why can I not type in my excel spreadsheet?


Is swift faster than c++?


List some pros and cons of amazon redshift?


What are the complex datatypes in pig?


What is an ECMAScript?


What is the difference between sealed class and dynamic classes in flex?


What are the control transfer statements used in swift?


Explain spring beans?