what is design patterns? which design patterns mostly used in .net? How it is used with examples?
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Give full information about infrared technology, like applications, advantages, disadvantages?
How to handle record boundaries in Text files or Sequence files in MapReduce InputSplits?
What’s the difference between @controller, @component, @repository, and @service annotations in spring?
explain return tables. How do start routine and return table synchronize with each other?
What's The Error Code For Unique Index Voilation?
Can we define static methods inside interface?
How do I clear my terminal history?
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How will you open a file using node?
What is positional parameters in unix?
Financial Accounting
You are a project manager working on a new software product. Your company plans to market to businesses. The project sponsor told you that the project must be completed by September 1. The company plans to demo the new software product at a trade show in late September and therefore needs the project completed in time for the trade show. However, the sponsor has also told you that the budget is fixed at $85,000 and cannot be increased by even $10 due to overall budget cuts this year. You must complete the project within the given time frame and budget. Which of the following is the primary constraint for this project? A. Budget B. Quality C. Time D. Schedule
Can you define pivot?
Where we need to change the prefix for custom components?