Usecases and nounlists are associated with the following Requirement analysis methodologies 1.Information engineering 2.Object oriented analysis 3.Structural analysis 4.Functional analysis.
3 8740Is there any procedure of web-site development in manual testing. If yes what are factors we should test?
2080When do you prepare Requirement Traceability Matrix(RTM) before testing aor after completion of testing?
14 54771Post New Satyam Manual Testing Interview Questions
Is Hive supports Temporary Tables?
How do I open my desktop from command prompt?
How do you select multiple worksheets?
What is Jagged Arrays?
How do I delete an end note?
Explain various methods to make ajax request in jquery? : jquery mobile
Explain joomla.
How can you count the number of characters and lines in a file?
How to perform exception handling in mvc?
Explain me what is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?
How struts 2 validation works?
Can we compare two files in notepad ++?
Draw the current Vs time graph for an inductor connected to a d.c. source. How will you measure power of a transmissioon line? Tell all the steps alongwith the components used in power generation. Which law governs the induced emf?
What is the minimum ram for windows 10?
Explain the different elements of a Use Case?