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Satyam Interview Questions
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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

19 25619

Where are the expected results file will be stored? what is the extension of that?

1 9453

Give the syntax of Inner,outer Join?"

7 32404

How do you copy the script from source alert?

2 6688

Can you create a field without data element domain?

9 33063

What is the Difference Between basic list and interactive list?

5 9677

tell me about status codes?

2 11301

what are the fields in BDC Data?

5 16190

how you identify errors in call tr?

2 7394

what is Tcode for Basic ALE configuration?

2 7387

what are the stpes in ALE?

2 7949

Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program will you do that one?

4 11182

How you prepare documentation?

2 12322

what is web server?

3 12763

Write a program to reverse a linked list?

8 18796

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Satyam Interview Questions

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What is the difference between apache mahout and cloudera oryx ?


what are decleratives in cobol?


What is the difference between xcopy and robocopy?


What does it mean when someone says I oop?


How to convert binary to excess 3 code and vice verse?


What is the difference between iiot and iot?


What does sleep function does in fast load?


Explain the application of shared preference?


When a local storage data gets deleted?


What are action classes in struts?


What is a system 32?


How to select the total numbers of fire extinguisher installed in a room ?


what are the type of locks ? : Sql dba


Explain difference between dcs & plc & scada?


if cheque bounced what we received from customers and payed to bank what entry should we create in single entry system