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Satyam Interview Questions
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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

19 25265

Where are the expected results file will be stored? what is the extension of that?

1 9311

Give the syntax of Inner,outer Join?"

7 32250

How do you copy the script from source alert?

2 6589

Can you create a field without data element domain?

9 32869

What is the Difference Between basic list and interactive list?

5 9532

tell me about status codes?

2 11209

what are the fields in BDC Data?

5 16070

how you identify errors in call tr?

2 7315

what is Tcode for Basic ALE configuration?

2 7296

what are the stpes in ALE?

2 7853

Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program will you do that one?

4 11066

How you prepare documentation?

2 12235

what is web server?

3 12590

Write a program to reverse a linked list?

8 18609

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Satyam Interview Questions

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What happens when cautenous exposure occurs?


Mention what are the techniques available in delivery scheduling?


What are Ruby iterators?

3 can carry forward the balance of ledgers to the next financial year in tally erp 9


Where is xmldocument class?


What are the fields in it 0007 ?


Can 'this' pointer by used in the constructor?


What is the relation between the concepts of chromatin and chromosome? Are euchromatin and heterochromatin part of chromosomes?


How did you transfer legacy data in the mid of the financial year (us) to the sap system? : sap abap hr


What is a typical size for a swap partition under a linux system?


When use javascript vs php?


How do you select multiple sheets in excel and delete?


How to setup dojo application?


What is the difference between cracking, pyrolysis, destructive distillation, hydroforming, carbonization and dry distillation?


What is the lifetime of a variable?