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MAHINDRA Interview Questions
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why java take 2 byte for charecter???

1 3529

how do you differentiate the while look at drawing whether it is first angle or third angle projection.

2 5225

which of the Indian state does not have a common boundary with foreign country

1 5609

usualy what they are expecting source of knowledge while in interview

2 3944

how can i qualify GA?????????


how to draw a rectangle using 3 lines?

9 58381

what is mean debentures?

6 12366

As a good company employee, can you report your supervisor to the company management if he or she is going against the company interest in his or her actions?

1 3094

During a turn , why does the inner Tyre experience greater resistance to turning than the outer Tyre?

2 7170

what is the meaning of profit and loss account

1 2496

1hp=how much rpm

2 8215

What is the problem use octane in petrol Engine?

2 5161

why name plate detail HP/KW rating of a motor is different from measured value HP/KW using formula?

1 4595

what do you use instead of the place of transistor and mosfet can you achieve the result without using transistor and mosfet

1 2969

What is the difference between saturated steam and super heated steam....explain in mechanical terminology...

3 8059

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MAHINDRA Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What do you mean by c?


Where can the metastore database be hosted?


Why is it preferred to not use finalize for clean up?


What is on-demand functionality? How is it provided in cloud computing?


What is Twill weave?


How to load and unload child forms.


Explain some new features available in jdbc 4.0?


Tell me which property of the webmethod attribute allows you to maintain the state of objects across sessions in a web method?


Who is the american launched in a space ship?


Can you send and receive on the same socket at the same time?


What is a natural search?


why we use abstract in awt?


What counter in Hadoop MapReduce?


What is meant by Cost of Improvement?


Is visual studio a c++?