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MAHINDRA C Interview Questions
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what is the difference between arrays and linked list

26 85012

Write a c program to build a heap method using Pointer to function and pointer to structure ?


array of pointer pointer to array pointer to pointer

1 3416

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MAHINDRA C Interview Questions

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Hi, I had attended interview with Polaris FT, Mumbai for Trainee(Fresher) position on 11th May 2013. I cleared all Aptitudes and HR rounds. on 28th May i got call from Hr that i'm selected in polaris and she asked me to send the documents through mail, a day after i sent them my scanned documents. But i have not received offer letter yet till 6th June. I mailed her and asked abt it, nut no response. how many days it will take ? Also i want to ask, I hold 10 months experience in .Net and SQL development, but its very small company ? should i join as a fresher though? Is polaris a good company to work with ? Kindly answer my questions considering i'm your friend. Thank You.


Of which metal was aryabhatta made?


What Is The Transaction Approach And Balance Sheet Approach To Measuring Net Income?


How to Remove drives listed in a TDriveComboBox ?


Why should I invest in Mutual fund which is not secured rather than investing in Any Nationalized bank which is giving me guaranteed interest rate of 9.5% per annum which is also more secured?


How do you update a query in excel?


How are free energy changes related to enthalpy changes and entropy changes?


Explain by-group processing?


Should you normalize audio?


What deployment modes are available with wpf?


Rate analysis of Vitrified tile in cement mortor 1:3


Which command can be used to monitor disk performance?


How do you pause a recording in powerpoint?


What are the benefits of Razor View?


Who invented the four-stroke engine?