As a good company employee, can you report your supervisor to
the company management if he or she is going against the
company interest in his or her actions?
we touch other end of the tester supply, why do not get shock?
relation between power station capacity and voltage level?
what will happened to give the dc supply to ac transformer?
how am i achived model paper to prepratio for bhel exam
63MVA,220KV/6.9KV Transformer LV side neutral is connected to Earth pit through NGR. Whether this earth pit required to connect with near by below grouding earth mat or it is to be kept separate?
what is the difference between multimeter and megger?
Is it possible to obtain 480v or 550v in single phase output by giving the input to 230v to a single phase torodial type transformer without using a stepup transformer?
Dear sir, I have completed DECE in the year 1995. I have work experience in HT and LT LINE more than five years. Now i am doing BE in EEE from rajasthan university. After completion of BE,can i apply "C" Licence sir? Please reply.
what is the simple meaning of harmonics?
How can we calculate the Rating of DG Set for a 4 kw motor?
can we individually produce electriciyt
what is the spdt