In a vehicle, which is going straight ahead at N rpm, if the left wheel rotates forward at n rpm, then the resultant speed of the right wheel will be a) N+n b) N-n c) N/n d) Nn
1192Post New MAHINDRA Interview Questions
Do you know what are bootstrap panels?
How to decide one problem is a machine learning problem or not?
Is using bluestacks illegal?
What are the main components in android?
What is the importance of perl warnings?
What is grid view android?
What is a protocol in objective c?
Specify the port number for ad, dns, dhcp, http, https, smtp, pop3 & ftp?
What are truncate options available in sql server? : sql server database administration
How does break, continue and pass work?
I have a reference table called 1. of 2 fields called 1.BadgeGroups(BG)and 1.Badges(B)like BG G aa 10 aa 11 bb 12 bb 13 bb 14 Using MS Design View Table 2 has 3 fields called, 2.badgegroup and In Table 2 called 2. they calls Table 1 for 2 fields BUT with the second field 2.badges, I want the combo box only to display the 1.badges where 2.badgegroup = 1.badgegroup The current select I have is for Table Data View Row Source is: 2.badgegroup is filled from a Combo box using Select Distinct etc from Table 1. Tried different syntax's but still lost, looking for some help SELECT 1.[BadgeGroup], 1.Badge FROM 1. WHERE 1.[BadgeGroup]=Me.2.BadgeGroup); I can populate 2.badgegroup with a
What is Safemode in Apache Hadoop?
Is there a character limit in excel cells?
Define ipa?
What is the distance between body earthing and neutral earthing.?