A money Bill in the Indian Parliament can be introduced only with the recommendation of the (a) President (b) Prime Minister (c) Speaker of Lok Sabha (d) Union Finance Minister
14 31284If connected load of Asphalt plant is 375Kw. What suitable KVA DG set is required. What is calculation formula. what extra load have to consider. in what efficiency it will work.
8 16277calculation of lad carryinc capacity of 6mm2 cross section wire in 415 voltage circuit. What will be the amps.
1753Post New MAHINDRA Interview Questions
Tell us how long does it take you to process one day's worth of patient visits or claims? : insurance health
What is f4 in excel?
How to pass values into a datatable?
Instrumentation Safe Guarding test. How to determine the interval time of the test. eg:Halfyearly,Every year,Every three years etc.
can you send remote seal interface level transmitter calculation steps for oil water saperator.
How does sodium thiosulphate affect yeast?
What is the primitive type byte?
Explain the different types of constructors
What is in a script?
Differentiate echo vs. Print statement.
In a two node cluster i have typed #hastart command in one node.The cluster is starting in second node also,what is going in background?
What is the relationship in salesforce? What are its types?
Explain locking. List its types.
What are the different types of data warehousing?
My requirement is like in database some defects are present and i need to clean them.To be brief for example every employee should have active assigments.So for those records which are not having status as active or null ,i need to update the roecords using API with the correct value. Client will provide a flat file for the records whch are defected.So i need to run the API for those records (flat file)and update the data in database. So my question is how to handle this requirement.Is there any existing API for this purpose?If yes then please send me the NAME. How to update the records in the database using flatfile. Any pointer will be appreciated.Thanks in advance.