A money Bill in the Indian Parliament can be introduced only with the recommendation of the (a) President (b) Prime Minister (c) Speaker of Lok Sabha (d) Union Finance Minister
14 31750If connected load of Asphalt plant is 375Kw. What suitable KVA DG set is required. What is calculation formula. what extra load have to consider. in what efficiency it will work.
8 16495calculation of lad carryinc capacity of 6mm2 cross section wire in 415 voltage circuit. What will be the amps.
1810Post New MAHINDRA Interview Questions
What is the main technical difference between window xp and window 7?
Why is html_ajax having stability issues on some installations?
At what point are extension eliminators mandatory?
Explain the masked language model?
How to replace junk code recorded by QTP with a mall function.
What is the best practice for showing or hiding an sapui5 control at runtime?
How do I force chkdsk?
How many types of jdbc drivers are available?
Can you state some of the innovations throughout history?
Is sql easier than java?
What is perl scripting?
what do the sas log messages "numeric values have been converted to character" mean? What are the implications? : Sas programming
What are merge fields?
What are indexes and mention different types of indexes?
Explain about the analysis phase?