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3 16145pls send some technical questions may ask in companys like nissan, renualt, tata motors ,mahindra etc
2 6104Plese give us information Service Special Tools for Hydraulic,Trasmission,Main clucth,Rear axle etc for Mahindra Tractor 6030-4WD,Like SST Number,Discription,Price and Dimension or Photograph if u have.Thanks
1781Post New MAHINDRA Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
Hi, I have Cognos 7.0 Impromptu reports and these reports have been created with the Mainframe datasource. Now the business needs these reports should be upgraded but with Oracle datasource. So what's the idea, first we should migrate these reports into ReportNet? then in that case what we will do with the Impromptu Catalog? Second, suppose we need to migrate these reports into Cognos 8 (may be 8.4) then how we will do that? do we need to create a FM Model for these reports. Please advice!
what is the purpose of the runtime class?
What are the components of bootstrap?
What is the use of a semicolon (;) at the end of every program statement?
What is the use of object and class classes?
what is global tempory table?
How does array sort work?
Explain skinny table.
Explain the significance of store in redux?
Give examples for reference types?
What is the keyword to import a module in python?
Call an external style sheet and an external script located in the root folder called style.css and main.js with html.
What is 64 bit platform?
Explain your project of banking domian.
difference betwwen the 4.6 & 4.7 ecc versions