whether an independant auditor can increase his fees in properitory firm according to turnover.
1 4511Post New MAHINDRA Audit Interview Questions
What is core java and j2ee?
How do you access the string resource stored in the strings.xml file?
What is latest version of excel?
Are you familiar with recent advancements in rheumatology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay updated on the latest developments?
Who discovered html5?
What is operating system in computer?
Is azure a platform?
how ratio is calculated for any grade of concrete. for e.g. sppose M20 requires(x;y:z) quantity of cememt sand and aggregate.
What is sap ess ?
How is work 5/2 sov?
Explain the significance of transpose in r language
What are the procedures of starting of diesel engine?
Mention what is bdc stand for? How many methods of bdc are there?
4 Identify the substance oxidized, reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing agent for the following reactions
How would you replicate col = col + 1 in sybase?