If the capacitor bank is installed in switchyard say 132/22kv then on LT side say 22kv/0.433kv is it necessary to install capacitor bank for maintaining power factor. if pf is maintained on HT side then will that be maintained on LT side as well.if not then how&why??????/ please explain...........
3 10532What is the difference between reciprocating & rotary motors in AC units, which is the best one in terms of operation.
2 11793IN star -delta motors normally first operated in star mode {absulated given (r-y-b) phases after one miute change in delta mode in this case i am change phase sequience for example R -PHASE TO CHANGE Y-PHASE ;Y-PHASE TO CHANGE R-PHASE SO THIS TIME MOTOR WILL HAPPEN RUNNIG MODE EIGHTER(OR) STOP MODE(TRIP MODE)
6 7307Post New MacLellan Interview Questions
What are changes between ax2009 and ax2012?
What is a recursive helper function?
What are kiosks? These days' banks have come up with different kiosks. Name them.
What will be the status of the snapshot until the snapshot is complete.
Define plain seam?
What is bootstrap in drupal?
Can we print bar codes in SAP only from ZEBRA printer ?
What type of indexing mechanism do we need to use for a typical data warehouse?
Are you aware of containment and Aggregation ?
Have you applied to any other areas apart from banking?
What is metadata and why should I use it?
Is html xml?
How can one billing document type has 2 different number system? Basically if there are two documents belonging to same document type but for two different plants, then how come they both have different number system?
Discuss about advatages and limitations of powder metallurgy.
What type of web applications are created in magento.