IN star -delta motors normally first operated in star mode {absulated given (r-y-b) phases after one miute change in delta mode in this case i am change phase sequience for example R -PHASE TO CHANGE Y-PHASE ;Y-PHASE TO CHANGE R-PHASE SO THIS TIME MOTOR WILL HAPPEN RUNNIG MODE EIGHTER(OR) STOP MODE(TRIP MODE)
6 7617Post New MacLellan Interview Questions
Explain few features of laravel?
Explain the need of "inotifypropertychanged" interface?
How do you crop a custom shape in powerpoint?
What is blowfish?
What are Different Classes in Bluetooth?
What is seismic tomography?
Which method is used to force all the validation controls to run?
Explain how to securing a computer network?
What is a module in drupal ?
What can Rails Migration do?
write a c program to find the largest and 2nd largest numbers from the given n numbers without using arrays
how to make a scientific calculater ?
What are the types of data contol?
How do you handle your own transaction?
Mention the syntax for adding multiple background images in css3?